The Heart is Where Your Soul Lives

The Heart is Where Your Soul Lives

A month ago, I began another deep transformative journey starting in the sacred lands of Ashland, OR and then integrating in Vegas — transcending my mind even further and recalibrated into peaceful presence within my…

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Everything is an illusion

Everything is an illusion

 All there is, is consciousness. Nothing exists, but from the projection of our mind. Without our awareness, none of this is happening. Therefore, what is truth? What is reality? The physical world doesn’t exist. Only…

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The Only Truth is Within Yourself

The Only Truth is Within Yourself

Do you choose to live from a place of fear, or a place from love? Fear separates and divides us. We are all connected to everything in this universe. Separation is an illusion.  Love will…

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Remembering Who We Are

Remembering Who We Are

If we were to completely strip ourselves and silence our minds from all of our experiences, opinions we heard, our upbringing, stories we tell ourselves, teachings from school, media, news, society rules and conditioning, trends,…

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Questioning the System Freed My Mind

Questioning the System Freed My Mind

I use to be there. I felt so unworthy of everything and completely based my worthiness on how much $ I had, what brands I wore, job title, people I knew, material reputation — all…

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You Are Not Your Body

You Are Not Your Body

🦋 You are not a separate body because you are not your body. This is a realization that can’t be explained easily, and will be realized through a lot of self reflecting, questioning and detachment…

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Instagram @ce.ryn